Cabin Fever

Cabin fever is real! So far I've cleaned all my windows, worked on 6 t-shirt blankets, redecorated my apartment, done many loads of laundry, made cookies and cake balls, and cleaned all my blinds. Last week was so rainy that I needed to be creative.

Thankfully the past few days have been glorious outside, so we've been able to take some walks and enjoy God's beauty in spring.

Sometimes I'm so busy that I don't give myself the time to take a leisurely walk and enjoy the beauty all around.

This time of "staying home" has allowed me to stop and smell the cut grass! I hope during this forced time at home you're able to experience some beauty. Take a walk, talk to a neighbor (6' apart, of course!) and just feel the warm breeze. It has definitely given me an inner peace and calm that I've needed.

(My poor old pup couldn't take the long walk, though, and wanted to be carried home!!)

Until next time, stop and smell the cherry blossoms!




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