Halloween Celebrations for Everyone
What's your favorite Halloween memory? As a kid, I remember wearing those plastic masks that stuck to my face and made me sweat like crazy. After trick-or-treating at a few houses, I always ended up taking the mask off! (In searching for mask pictures, I found this Marie Osmond mask online. Now, this is a mask I would have worn the whole time!!)
How we celebrate Halloween changes as we get older. When our kids were young, they enjoyed trick-or-treating throughout our neighborhood while we had a blast hanging out with our great neighbors. Those nights were filled with bonfires, hotdogs, s'mores, and fun times with friends.
Do you have plans for Halloween this year? Do you host a big shindig, trick-or-treat with you kids/grandkids, hand out candy, or decorate your car for a trunk-or-treat at church? This year, Halloween falls on a Sunday so it lends to a whole weekend of celebrations. Why not plan a fun get-together on Friday or Saturday to celebrate the holiday that kicks off the season?
Today we wanted to share some fun ideas for a Halloween gathering that everyone can enjoy. So call up your girlfriends, neighbors or family and let's plan a celebration!
Step 1: Pick a theme
- Fire Pit Bonfire: October nights are usually perfect for an outside party. And, even if you live in a neighborhood, you can still have a bonfire party with a little help from a fire pit or two. Since you'll be outside, this is the perfect opportunity to use those melamine serving pieces to hold your hotdogs, chips, and toppings. Nestle a crockpot with chili into a big, black cauldron to finish off your main course. Don't forget the s'mores for dessert! Bonfires don't call for loads of decorations, but drape throws or old quilts over your chairs and add a quilt covered hay bales for extra seating around the fires. Top your tables with plaid throws, old quilts, or flannels for a cozy feel.

- Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice: Why not embrace the fan favorite Pumpkin Spice with a brunch celebration?!?! Set the mood with a color scheme that reflects a pumpkin spice latte -- orange, cream, tan, brown. For your centerpiece, a floral arrangement filled with fall colors will fit the bill. Set a lovely brunch buffet for your friends with Joy's Famous Pumpkin Muffin Recipe (Hint: It's the Pillsbury boxed Pumpkin Muffin Mix, hahaha!), pumpkin waffles, sausage balls, and fresh fruit. Serve coffee with pumpkin spice creamer and Trader Joe's has a tasty pumpkin spice roobios tea for the season.

- Spooky Glam: Imagine a spooktacular evening hosted by the glam Morticia Addams. Set the table in all black, white, crystal, and mercury glass. String cotton spider webs from your chandelier and hide a smoke machine in the corner to really complete the look. This is a great time to break out your favorite little black dress, red nail polish and pearls. Invite your guests to dress the part without having to commit to an elaborate costume.
Step 2: Pick some Party Games
- Fire Pit Bonfire: Take a cleaner, dryer turn on a old classic, bobbing for apples. Instead, bob for doughnuts! Tie doughnuts on twine suspended from a clothesline, players have to "bob" for the doughnut with their hands behind their back and catch it in their mouth. Or, it's a great time to bring out the corn hole, outdoor Jenga, or set up table with checkers sets.

- Pumpkin Spice & Everything Nice: What a great time for a fall themed Bingo game. Head over to Etsy (click image below) to find printable Bingo games where the squares are everything from pumpkins to hayrides and candy corn rather than letters and numbers. This would also be a great time to get everyone ready for the upcoming season of gratitude. Gather craft paper, markers, decoupage, and plain notebooks. Then, have a craft morning and make gratitude journals to use throughout November.
- Spooky Glam: Any favorite party games will do, but a game of Clue would be rather fitting! Halloween themed charades or Pictionary would also be great fun.
Step 3: Plan the food
We've already let the cat out of the bag for Joy's Famous Pumpkin Muffins, but here are a few other treats we love for any Halloween party!
Caramel apples are fun but they’re so messy and hard to eat. Here’s a delicious way to have them that won’t pull the fillings off your teeth!
That wraps up our tips for this time! If you or your kiddos are invited to a fabulous get-together, don't forget the hostess. Put together a candle, tea towel and a bag of our tasty marshmallow ghosts or stock her up for the next season with a Thanksgiving serving tray. Wether you're a guest or a hostess, we want to help you make this year's celebration the best yet!
Until next time,
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