Happy Lemons
You've probably heard the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" Well, we'd like to add an addendum to that-- "Unless life also hands you sugar and water, your lemonade's gonna be awful!"
How do you take a difficult “lemony" situation and add sugar to it? You know, making the best of not so perfect circumstances? I have a motto that I stole from somewhere: “there’s always something to be thankful for.”
After reading One Thousand Gifts (check out our blog a few weeks ago for more on this book https://www.thewreathstand.com/blogs/news/time-for-summer-reading,) I realized I needed to start a gratitude journal to remind myself of the sweet gifts from the Lord: early morning walks; cool summer breezes; birds singing; puppy kisses; newborn baby yawns. That journal has truly brought me such joy, especially when life is a bit sour.
Another way to bring sweetness to life is reading the book of Psalms. Open up your Bible to the exact middle and voila—you have found Psalms! We also have a great devotional you might enjoy that goes through Psalms.
I’ve been reading a devotional that covers 52 verses that have the word “faithfulness” in them. In good and hard times, your heart can rejoice seeing “faithfulness” written throughout the pages of scripture, reminding you that the Lord will never fail you.
While not as fulfilling as time with the Lord, spending time at The Wreath Stand is also a great way to bring some sweet "lemonade" into your life. And this week there is something extra sweet for you: our annual Lemons and Leftovers Clearance Event starts this Friday!! If you've shopped this event in the past, you know how much you love it! If not, here are some details:
- We will have a great selection of scratch and dent merchandise (Lemons) marked WAY down.
- We also have shelves full of “last one” treasures (Leftovers) ready to go home with you!
- This sale is a big party with clearance racks lined up outside in our parking lot and around the sidewalk.
- You don’t want to miss it!!
- (Maybe Rachel will even have lemonade??!)
We hope you’ll mark your calendar and join us! Whatever life is throwing you right now, I hope you feel the Lord’s presence in your life. He’s the One who adds the true sweetness.
Until next time, make some sweet lemonade!
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