Recipe Showers; a Shower of Blessings
Do you have an upcoming bridal shower to host and need a creative twist? One of my most beloved gifts from my bridal shower in 1990 was my handwritten recipe book. My sister gathered up handwritten recipes from relatives and organized them into a book for me.
Many of those relatives have passed away since then, and I cherish seeing their handwriting and making their special recipes.
Maybe this sounds like a great idea for you, but where do you start? We're here to help!
You will want to purchase recipe cards like these available at our store.
Mail them with your invitations. Ask guests to write their favorite recipes and bring them to the shower.
You might include a few recipe cards with each invite, asking for recipes from different categories, such as desserts, appetizers, casseroles, so there are a variety of choices. If guests live far away, include a return envelope so they can still send their favorite recipes.
Photocopying recipes from family members who are no longer with us and attaching them to a recipe card is another great way to add recipes to the collection. I made photocopies of recipes from family members who had passed away and gave them to my daughter-in-laws. My sons loved seeing their aunts' handwriting, and it brought back sweet memories.
Another sweet idea is having a recipe put on a wood board by our resident craftsman, JHCollections. John can put a recipe on the board and make it into a beautiful, treasured piece.
Putting together a recipe box is fairly simple, and will help any new bride build a treasured collection. Cookbooks come and go at my house, but I've used those food stained, handwritten recipes for 29 years.
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