Retail Therapy

After being closed for about six weeks, it's been amazing to see everyone's faces again. For us extroverts, not seeing you for that long has been horrible!

Who needs retail therapy right now? Being cooped up at home for so long, a lot of us want to get out and SHOP! We have so many sweet customers who've come in and told us that we’re their happy place for “retail therapy.” Of course, we're delighted to hear that since that’s our goal here at The Wreath Stand.

When I think about shopping, retail therapy, and really enjoying my time in a store several things come to my mind :

MANIC SHOPPING--You can’t wait for the store to open then run around everywhere with the masses trying to find the best deals. Think Black Friday at Target! It's a rush for sure! You leave happy because you got a good sale but sometimes exhausted from the whole experience. I enjoy these shopping trips a few times a year. They are fun every now & then but not particularly "therapeutic."  

FRUSTRATED SHOPPING--It starts out well as you're looking for some specific items. Maybe it's even a calm & happy trip but goes downhill from there. The store is too crowded, kids are screaming, and everything you set out to find is sold out. You leave frustrated because you can’t find what you were looking for and maybe even decide "I'll just order it on Amazon..." Sound familiar?

RELAXED RETAIL THERAPY-- This is the good stuff right here! You walk into your favorite little shop, take a deep breath & let go of whatever is going on outside the walls of the store. You're in a safe place, a happy place, a place that is filled to the brim with good things... This is the type of shopping I crave. I get to enjoy all the pretty things, the lovely fragrant candles, the company of friends, and even find a few little treasures to take home. You leave happier, calmer and pleased with the goodies you're taking home for yourself or to give as a gift. This is the good stuff, the shopping trips where you leave feeling like you've spent the afternoon catching up with friends, your heart is full, and your spirit is happy.



So, what makes a great shopping experience for you?

Our goal here at The Wreath Stand is to give you that "Retail Therapy" that we love, a refreshing atmosphere, beautiful treasures to find, and the ability to leave with a smile on your face. If we're able to do this for you, we consider our little shop successful.  


See you soon,


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