Spring Into Green

Do you have fun traditions for St. Patrick’s Day? My mom used to make corn beef and cabbage every St. Patrick’s day, and we’d pinch everyone who didn’t wear green. As a young mom, I thought it would be fun to make green macaroni and green jello for my kids one St. Patrick’s Day. Sadly, Mike and I headed to a hockey game only to get a call from our babysitter saying, “Your son just threw up the green macaroni!” Needless to say, that wasn’t a tradition I continued over the years! We still give Austin a hard time about it!

With St. Patrick’s Day being this week, we wanted to share why we love all things GREEN and why it’s such a beautiful addition to your home. Now, if you’re saying, “green is not my color!” you might be surprised to see how much green you already have! 


  • Green can be a neutral color ~ This might surprise you, but just like blue can act as a neutral. Don't shy away from adding green orbs, florals or other accents to your decor.
  • Green can add life ~ Green brings the beauty from outside to inside, adding life to your decor. I love placing boxwood wreaths throughout my home–on a tray or on a candlestick, they truly add life to everything.
  • Green can be used for all seasons~ Just be sure to use the correct green! Springtime beckons the limes and brighter greens, while Christmas has the deeper green and hunter. Fern, moss, boxwood, and eucalyptus are gorgeous additions for right now.
  • Greens can provide texture ~ Mix different types of greenery to add dimension and texture to arrangements or wreaths. The secret to success when mixing greenery is to keep the undertones in mind. If your green has yellow undertones (see wreath below) coordinate with other yellow-greens. Likewise, greens with blue undertones are typically best paired with other blue-greens.

Spring and the color green remind me of the promise of new life. My heart rejoices as I see green buds on trees with the backdrop of a blue sky. Every season at The Wreath Stand is special to us, but for me, spring has even deeper meaning as I ponder the new life I have in the Lord.  After everything has frozen and withered away, spring arrives reminding us that all things become new again. When I'm sad from all the dreary days and forecasts of more snow, I add tulips, colorful pillows, and green throughout my home, encouraging myself to smile--the hope of Easter and the resurrection are here!

Until next time,


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