Worth the Wait: Waiting That's Worth It

Just when you thought it was safe to wear sandals... here comes dogwood winter! With a burst of cold weather the other night, and it reminded us that warm weather is not fully here.

Tulip Bouquet

I get excited way too soon for spring to arrive. Sometimes cold weather and lack of sunshine run wild on my emotions, beckoning spring to burst forth sooner than it wants. A few hot days ensue, and I will prematurely purge my closet of all sweaters and long sleeve shirts, replacing them with spring florals and light weight shirts, only to walk outside in my sandals and have Jack Frost literally nip at my 'toes'!

Easter Eggs

Patience isn't always a strong virtue of mine. I struggle a lot to wait for things: unanswered texts, weight to drop off, vacations to hurry up and get here--lots of waiting and little patience aren't a good combination. Generally it just brings frustration, sending up a prayer, "Lord, help me to breathe, to calm down, and to wait on You." Sitting in God's "waiting room" sometimes takes a lot of patience. 

Be Still & Know

As Easter approaches this weekend, it reminds me that I have HOPE. I think of the disciples; they didn't even know they were in God's waiting room. They felt hope-less, not even knowing they should be patient for Sunday, for the resurrection to come. Oh how blessed we are that this is one thing we don't have to wait for! 

So, this week as we wait for warm weather to come back, we look forward to Sunday. Rain or shine; cold or warm weather; HOPE is here, and His name is Jesus!

Be Still Vignette


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